India’s Own, India’s Biggest Tanker Conference


Dear Colleagues, 

Greetings from The Shipping Tribune!

We are very pleased to announce that The 11th India Tanker Shipping & Trade Summit will be held on 6th February 2025. 

India Tanker Shipping & Trade Summit has become a common platform for all the stakeholders, be it Refineries, Oil Marketing Companies, Ship-Owners, Charterers,  Law firms, P&I Clubs,  Ship Suppliers, Port &Terminals Operators, Bulk Liquid Storage Companies, Companies engaged in Industrial Chemicals, Fertilizers, Ship & Cargo Brokers, Marine Surveyors, Ship Agents, Bunker Suppliers, Traders, Barge Operators, Financial Institutions, National and Regional Authorities to discuss the topics of common interests. The first ten edit­ions of the conferen­ce, held from 2015 onward were attended by several stalwarts of the industry from va­rious shipping and maritime hubs of the world.

Venue:   Hotel Kohinoor Continental, Andheri East, Mumbai
Date:     6th February 2025
Time:     08:45 – 17:00 Hrs Indian Standard Time

Introduction & Objective:

Specialists in the maritime industry will discuss the current scenario and future trends of the Seaborne Oil, Chemicals & Gas Tanker Trade. Be a part of crucial discussions on “Emerging Opportunities in India's Seaborne Oil, Chemicals & Gas Tanker Trade” with the most well-known and respected Industry professionals. Reducing emission from the shipping sector is on the agenda of the industry and international regulators.

Delegate Registrations Fees:

Delegate fee per person INR 12,500/- + 18% GST till 30th January 2025.  Total Amount payable INR 14,750/- per [US$ 225.00]  

From 31st January 2024, Delegate fee per person INR. 14,000/- + 18% GST.  Total Amount payable INR 16,520/- per [US$ 240.00]

For sponsorship & delegate registration, please contact:

Capt. Virendra N. Mishra, Conference Director
+91-22- 41271324

Come, join us and benefit from the opportunity to connect, confer and conduct business! 

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